a quick guide to choosing the best products for your skincare goals.
skin therapy 101.
fundamental mechanisms of skin health & hydration
(scroll down for product recommendations)
our first and most important tip: keep it simple.
in most cases, the more complicated your skincare routine is, the more likely you are to cause fundamental damage to your skin that compounds over time. on the contrary, using just a few simple yet functional products can help strengthen the fundamental mechanisms by which your skin protects and repairs itself.
seems straightforward, yet so few products on the market serve these fundamental guidelines. if you want to see dramatic improvements in your skin health, get rid of the lotions and water-based creams. use organic, 100% oil formulas instead.
more info below.
skin health & hydration starts with lipid barrier integrity and microbial flora strength.
without these two shields, the skin is chronically dry and inflamed.
our serums and salves are zero water formulas, crafted to supplement the lipid barrier and achieve superior moisture retention and nutrition.
the lipid barrier.
hydrated skin comes from the water you drink and a strong lipid (oil) barrier that seals it in. when this barrier is disrupted, water can easily evaporate from the skin, causing dryness. the lipid barrier is an integral part of the skin's immune system and moisture retention, and maintaining its integrity is critical to maintaining optimal skin health.
abandon the crazy idea that all oils are bad for your skin and cause breakouts.
your skin is designed with a lipid barrier for a reason. you just need the right oils that are nutrient-rich and biologically complimentary to preserve it.
microbial flora.
abandon the misinformation that all bacteria are bad.
healthy skin is home to billions of commensal and symbiotic bacteria. when these microbes form strong cultures, they fight pathogens for resources, preventing infection. building and maintaining a strong microbial flora plays a very important role in a healthy immune system and resilient skin.
our skincare products never contain preservatives, alcohols, or broad-spectrum bactericides. even when organic, these ingredients can wreak havoc on your skin’s symbiotic flora. damaged microbial flora can result in over deployment of the body’s immune system. habitual weakening of these primary defenses can result in chronic inflammation and weakened skin.
lotions are bogus. typical composition.
• 20-50% oil — this is where your moisture comes from
• 50-80% water — this is typically filler, but can sometimes contain active ingredients
• surfactant — an emulsifier, binds oil and water with hydrophilic and lipophilic properties
• preservative — broad spectrum anti-microbials to prevent growth for extended shelf life
• an active ingredient — Vitamin C or whatever
• fragrance — natural or synthetic
based on the chemistry that all lotions and water-based creams follow, it's undeniable that lotions and water-based creams are a fundamentally incorrect form of moisture.
unfortunately, it’s easy to have good short-term experiences with lotions. they feel good when you put them on, dry super fast and active ingredients like aloe can feel soothing on acute inflammation. however, lotions degrade the mechanisms by which the skin protects itself and retains moisture. even habitual use of lotions can weaken the integrity of your skin’s lipid barrier.
for many people who live in dry climates—or have damaged skin—the pitfalls of lotions are obvious. "hydration" is short-lived and constant re-application is necessary to maintain moisture. the problem is, the more you use most lotions, the weaker skin becomes.
also, water does nothing for your skin topically.
next time your skin is dry, fill up a bucket of water and put your hand in it for a few minutes. let the water dry on your skin. you will see zero improvements. why? your skin is biologically designed to repel water as a protective mechanism. now remember, lotions are mostly (50-80%) water.
preservatives weaken microbial flora.
broad-spectrum bactericides (preservatives) are required to keep lotions shelf stable by preventing the water base from growing bacteria, mold, yeast and fungus. these bactericides can also wreak havoc on your skin’s microbial flora. damaged microbial flora means a weakened first line of defense against pathogens, resulting in over deployment of the body’s immune system in response to pathogens. habitual weakening of these primary defenses results in chronic inflammation.
consequences of inflammation:
immune function is weakened from overactivity. chronic immune exhaustion can also cause the immune system to attack its own body, leading to auto-immunity.
chronic inflammation levels lead to lower skin proteins, thus reducing skin firmness & flexibility.
chronic inflammation increases flare-ups of eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne and other inflammatory-rooted issues.
surfactants break the lipid barrier.
surfactants are what bind oil and water together. another job of surfactants is tobreak apart oils they encounter (super simplified). this is why soaps and detergents are so good at cleaning things like oil spills and stains. they’re also useful for washing skin, however, it’s important to always replenish a freshly cleansed lipid barrier with a complimentary oil-based moisturizer.. if you fail to replace the lipids, your skin will become dry.
dry skin leads to inflammation and generally poor skin health. since the cleansing process breaks lipids, it''s not a good idea to follow up with a lotion that will prevent the lipid barrier from re-sealing. this explains why people who use lotions are constantly re-applying. Instead of being locked in by a strong lipid barrier as design intended, moisture is always evaporating from the skin since the lipid barrier never has a time to repair.
face products.
multi vitamin for skin.
light & reparative.
+ recommended for all skin types.
+ recommended for highly inflammed and damaged skin from acne, sunburn, psoriasis, eczema.
+ replaces any lotion or moisturizer as the first thing that goes on your skin after cleansing.
+ our most nutrient rich profile. vitamin c, vitamin e, antioxidants, polyphenols, omega's and more.
+ use daily to support a strong lipid barrier, lower inflammation levels, higher skin protein synthesis (collagen and elastin) and improved overall skin health.
heavy protection & moisture retention.
+ recommended for dry and very dry skin types where the face serum is not enough.
+ provides a temporary barrier to seal in hydration.
+ much heavier than face serum. often used in addition to face serum during cold / dry weather seasons.
+ mineral based water proof SPF 10 for mild sun protection.
+ popular for runners and snow sports where wind protection is needed.
body products.
light & restorative.
+ recommended for all skin types.
+ recommended for highly inflammed and damaged skin from acne, sunburn, psoriasis, eczema.
+ replaces any lotion or moisturizer as the first thing that goes on your skin after cleansing.
+ use daily to support a strong lipid barrier, lower inflammation levels, higher skin protein synthesis (collagen and elastin) and improved overall skin health.
heavy protection & spot treatment for damage.
+ recommended for dry and very dry skin types where the body serum is not enough.
+ provides a temporary barrier to seal in hydration and help repair damaged skin.
+ much heavier than body serum. can be used on entire body, but is often used to spot treat especially dry patches, burns, scrapes, eczema, psoriasis and other forms of dermatitis.
+ often kept in fridge during the summer to apply as after sun care.
our goal is serving our client's journey to improved health, wellness and performance. if our product doesn't meet your expectations of quality or therapeutic value, just return it. while we will accept returns for any reason, we ask that you try and judge these products for their functional / therapeutic effects. most people will notice measurable progress within the first two weeks. some products work faster than others, but our concept is built around strengthening baseline health over symptomatic intervention. give these products a good two weeks of consistency before judging. if you stop after the first week because you dont feel better yet, you're leaving a lot of potential on the table.
Obvious Disclaimer:
^These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. Please consult with a medical professional before consuming this product if you have any medical condition.
If you are pregnant, or trying to become pregnant, please consult with your doctor before consuming this product. Very little, if any, research has been conducted on the safety of drinking herbal tea during pregnancy.