roots biotic tincture (120ml)

$ 48.00

latent infections are bacterial, viral, or fungal pathogens that evade the immune system by hiding in biofilms, joints and organs throughout the body. almost everyone has one or more of these infections that may not cause obvious symptoms but contribute to elevated baseline inflamamtion and brain fog while draining energy and weakening immune system. latent infections are opportunistic and "flare up" to infecious levels when the mind-body is under stress.

we believe targeting these hidden infections through periodic supplementation with natural remedies like garlic, ginger, echinacea, and goldenseal is a fundamental approach to improiving health. These herbs act as natural antibiotics, working to clear latent pathogens, support the immune system, and reduce inflammation.

periodically using the roots-biotic tincture can help clear latent infections to help improve energy, mental clarity, baseline inflammaiton and immune function. the roots biotic tincture is a great product to run alongside any health, wellness or performance protocol.

in the bottle:

*Garlic Extract

*Ginger Extract

*Echinicea Extract

*Skullcap Extract

*Goldenseal Extract

*Certified Organic


additional ingredients:

organic cane alcohol (authentic tincturing). organic glycerine. reverse osmosis water.


RootsBiotic works best when taking 5ml @ 2x daily. this means 5 full droppers 2x daily. at this serving size, a 120ml bottle will last 12 days. being consistent and using the entire bottle in that 12 day period will keep pressure on the latent infections and bust up their biofilm hiding spots.

FOR BEST RESULTS. consider the following suggestions.

FIRST TIME USING: running 2x bottles back-to-back for 24 consecutive days @ 5ml 2x daily will do a lot of work to bust up biofilms that have been building for who knows how long, exposing bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens to a powerful RootsBiotic and a strengthened immune system. if you have significant biofilms and latent infections, you may experience a "crappy" feeling like hot-cold cycling and fatigue during your first bottle. dying bacterial and fungal cultures break down and release toxins that can make you feel run down. this is a part of the process and is inevitable if you want to clean your body up. usually, this is just an annoyance and should not prevent you from going about daily life.

quarterly or biannual maintenance protocols are a valuable consideration after your first protocol to prevent the accumulation of biofilms and support a strong immune system that is not burdened by pathogenic hidey holes.



everyone has biofilms throughout the body. you most commonly hear about biofilms when people are talkign about dysbiosis and candida cultures in the intensines, but biofilms harbor all kinds of viral, bacterial and fungal pathoges and can be found throught the body. busting up biofilms takes away hiding spots for bacteria, viruses and fungal infections, making them visable and accessable to the immune system. rootsbiotic is formualted to break up biofilms, kill the hiding pathoges and strengthen the immune system's response to lower level infections. a three-piece combo.

Biofilms are structured communities of microorganisms (such as bacteria, fungi, or even viruses) that adhere to a surface and produce a slimy, protective matrix made primarily of polysaccharides (sugars), proteins. Biofilms act as a shield, protecting the microorganisms from external threats like the immune system and antibiotics.

biofilms play a major role in helping pathogens persist in the body without for a long time. When bacteria form biofilms, they can enter a dormant or low-metabolic state, which makes them harder to detect and attack by the immune system. The dense matrix of the biofilm physically blocks immune cells and antibodies from reaching the pathogens. It also limits the penetration of antibiotics, making the bacteria within biofilms highly resistant to treatment. this is literally a "hang out" spot for pathogens to sit and replicate comfortably. like a rat that lives and breeds in the walls without concern for a cat attack.

Pathogens within biofilms are able to hide from the immune system, often evading detection because they are less active and their outer environment prevents immune cells from recognizing them as threats. As a result, infections can remain latent (inactive) for extended periods, only reactivating when the environment becomes favorable for the pathogens to grow again (weakened immune system, high stress, sleep deprived, etc). This makes biofilms a major challenge in treating chronic infections.

post routine pro-biotic support

when addressing latent infections, you should be interested in strengthening synergistic micro-biome. a diverse biome is majorly beneficial to all physical and metal health. a strong synergistic biome directly contributs to positive health outccomes like mood stability, more energy, balanced neurochemistry, nutrient uptake and lowered inflamamtion. a strong synergistic biome also prevents damaging pathogens from culturing to a damaging strength. because of this, we recommend a well rounded pro-biotic and pre-biotic supplement after takign the roots biotic to help build a stronger synergistic biome after the roots biotic wekened the damaging pathogens. this can signicantly tip the scales in favor of better health and performance.


The combination of Garlic and Ginger offers a powerful, synergistic approach to managing latent infections and enhancing immune system function. Both herbs have broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties, making them effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi, including those that can remain dormant in the body. Garlic’s allicin and ginger’s gingerol and shogaol work together to inhibit pathogen growth and disrupt biofilms, which bacteria use to hide from the immune system. This combined antimicrobial action is more effective than using either herb alone, particularly in tackling persistent and resistant infections.

In addition to their antimicrobial properties, garlic and ginger both have strong anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects. They reduce chronic inflammation, which is often associated with latent infections, and help regulate the immune system, enhancing both innate and adaptive responses. By strengthening the body’s defenses and reducing inflammation, garlic and ginger prevent latent infections from reactivating, while also promoting overall immune intelligence. The antioxidant properties of both herbs further protect the body from oxidative stress, helping to maintain long-term health and resilience against infection.


Echinacea is known for its ability to boost immune function by stimulating the production of white blood cells like macrophages and natural killer cells, which help the body detect and eliminate latent pathogens. It is particularly effective in enhancing immune surveillance, ensuring the body stays alert to infections that might otherwise remain dormant. Echinacea’s antiviral properties complement its immune-boosting effects, making it a strong ally in preventing the reactivation of latent viral infections.

Goldenseal, on the other hand, has potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory potential due to its active compound, berberine. It is highly effective against a wide range of bacteria, fungi, and parasites, especially in disrupting biofilms, which are protective structures that bacteria use to hide from the immune system. Additionally, Goldenseal’s anti-inflammatory properties help regulate the immune response, reducing the chronic inflammation associated with latent infections while preventing reactivation.

Together, Echinacea and Goldenseal create a balanced and synergistic approach to managing latent infections. Echinacea strengthens the immune system’s ability to detect and respond to pathogens, while Goldenseal directly targets and eliminates lingering bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. This combination also reduces inflammation and provides antioxidant protection, making it a well rounded option for long-term immune health and infection management.

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